Sunday, August 24, 2014

Annunciation seventh: cohesion shown by the National Forum for Democracy and Unity, and all the pol

Ten Bisharat for interrupting .... / Mohammed Amin Born Alvazl
Precipitation rain Pkinkos (ANSI) lockers Heavy rain accompanied the storms of strong retardation losses Municipality Ablajamil (details) Kinkos: political group declares its accession lockers to the active political Mahdi Born Embarak (Photos) URGENT: arrested woman was killed and her village Busriuel "mutation Powder" ... and the story of the Nakba (interviews and exclusive photos) Kinkos today cope deliver humanitarian convoy of government to the village of "mutation" (Photos) The first images of the effects of the disaster in the village lockers of "mutation Powder" (special Kinkos day) Kinkos today to monitor the suffering of travelers to and from Kinkos because of the floods (PHOTOS) extinct: CSA moving aid convoy for "breakthrough" and prevent the transit of torrents (Photos) Urgent / Kinkos: injury and at least one home in the fall because of the strong storm
Annunciation first: It was a political boycott of the elections June 21 successful, which resulted in the absence lockers of competitors serious President Aziz.oikva to confirm that to remember that some of the candidates could not even provide the necessary signatures for his candidacy, which made the Constitutional Council are forced to falsify the signatures of some advisers and mayors for recommending those candidates, and thus the Constitutional Council has lost what is left of his credibility, if he had his remaining originally anything of credibility. lockers
Annunciation II: I've missed the competition between the five candidates lockers during the campaign, and have shown that they are not in real competition, but they are in a friendly competition lockers with each other, and they are the five compete in a real and serious with the county and the boycotters. It was all the letters of the candidate Aziz directed against the Forum against the boycotters, while the rest of the candidates' speeches were divided between criticism lockers and justify nominated by the county, which implies that the run for the June 21 elections needs to be a lot of justification to convince public opinion Bjdoaúath.
Annunciation III: Aziz candidate has shown a lot of affection for the four rivals, and it has been shown affection by donating large sums of state funds, and private money for his campaign rivals in the play June 21. Will you have heard of before this campaign Bmitrah donate money to his opponent during the election campaign? Did you have heard of before this campaign Bmitrah not required nor for once not to vote for his rivals? I've lockers been through lockers and the candidate Aziz Mehrjanath urges all to participate, then he does not care who to vote for the participants, the important thing for him, is that not to be true with his rival, with the option of any province.
Annunciation fifth: For the first time we hear about the campaign does not stop until all of the appointments after entering into its second week, and that those who made it to the feeling of confusion of the unresponsiveness of the masses with it. It has traditionally been that the crew of the campaign is set, all the crew of the campaign, before its launch, because the campaign does not exceed a period of two weeks, which gives the importance of time and the need to exploit good use. In this campaign, which was formed from several campaigns parallel (the official campaign, a campaign of the ruling party, youth campaign, campaign initiatives, campaign relatives) has always remained, and through all the days of the campaign, need to be new appointments and so as to face the apathy that characterized.
Annunciation VI: The acrimony that characterized lockers the letters Aziz candidate in each electoral Mehrjanath to reflect the extent of the concern felt by the man of the possibility of the success of the boycott. The same is shared with the leaders of the campaign, lockers which is demonstrated by the article written by the President of the ruling party, which threatened to which the opposition, as well as the article written by al-Faqih Isselmou Ould Sid Almstaf which denied strongly the option of the county, it is our right we have to ask the jurist for whichever first that deplore do: a range of Muslims lockers have accepted the President even fuller Momoreth, but he refused to participate in elections run by the errand seconds, and a range of other Muslims did not accept the President that complements Momoreth, but flipped it, and imprisoned him, and kept him out of the presidency by that complements the sixteen months of Momoreth identified sixty months?
Annunciation seventh: cohesion shown by the National Forum for Democracy and Unity, and all the poles and its components where there were no withdrawals or splits in the components of this forum, despite its diversity and plurality. This is the first time where the power fails for causing splits lockers in the first row of the leaders of the opposition, which means that those leaders become more coherent and more convinced of the importance of the province.
Annunciation eighth: the absence of election promises in the letters of the candidate Aziz, with a focus on criticizing the Mauritanian opposition and loaded all the calamities that have defined Mauritania during the past five decades, and this speech is no longer convincing voters Mauritanian, unless managed candidate Aziz to convince the people of Mauritania that the heads of Mauritania Between 1978 and 1984, respectively, are: Mohamed Ould Mouloud and beautiful photographer and Saleh Ould Hanenna. The president of the year 1984 on Wednesday, August 3rd, 2005 was Ahmed Dada while he was, any candidate Aziz, and the rest of the candidates lockers who Anafssoh now in the elections of June 21 are leading the struggle against those systems obsolete, and proof of that is that they have been through all Those covenants move from prison to prison, exile and exile to another.
The fact that the load Mauritanian opposition harvest fifty years ago to the order of irony, does not mean that absolutely that there is no opposition now bear part of those proceeds, but it just means that most of those who have corrupted during the past decades, they are located now in a row system, and can say with all contentment that 70% or more of the spoilers are now about the candidate Aziz.
Annunciation ninth

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