Saturday, October 12, 2013

D. After the fall of communism, more than a hundred sea cows productibilitate have flown across the

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January. At a time of deep persecution and material deprivation, Mennonites and amişii from Christian Aid for Romania, and then Christian Aid Ministries were decent oxygen needed for survival.
a great many poor families identified and recommended by pastors of local churches have received every month for many years, one food package. In many cases, this package was the difference between the children sent to orphanages and children brought home, widows and girls depravity or honorable women pushed their home.
c churches have received the first Bible with explanations, one of the most popular collections of Songs, written "gathered under the title, praise the Lord" and a lot of other Christian literature books that set a serious tone and good tone work in Romania.
D. After the fall of communism, more than a hundred sea cows productibilitate have flown across the ocean and landed, to the astonishment of Romania, Otopeni airport. This raises soundly, U.S. "on Pătrăuţi, where they had to specialize Romanian young farmers and teachers in institutions of livestock.
E. All the Pătrăuţi was taken to pieces and mounted on the ground "building CAM store. High, as in America, in record time, this building has aroused amazement villagers and authorities. Some believed that the U.S. helicopters was brought and placed there overnight ...
Along with them I have traveled and industrial sewing machines, along with miles of material for the Romanians to learn to sew and make clothes and duvet for themselves and others around them poor.
k. Perhaps the most important (if there is such a thing) and the massive aid program was the medicines and medical equipment. With him were alleviated much suffering, they have saved lives and has a lot of pharmacies that worked for a while near major centers churches.
He would be right but to summarize the quality and quantity impressive material and humanitarian aid. American Mennonites and amişii led Romania and a different kind of help, much more important and decisive for eternity: their Christian testimony.
A. This testimony showed that America is not only Romanians airdropping and decadence in the midst of plenty. Picture this testimony helped Romanians of all colors Christian socio-political spectrum to see beyond the smokescreen of Hollywood and beyond wine storage deafening noise of music from rock-and-roll. The testimony Mennonites and Amish, Romanians could discover America's Christian roots, America hardworking and modest pilgrims leave under European persecution to freedom of conscience live oversea.
B. This testimony showed that the abundance Romanians should not mess you up and make you put your foot on the head. A morality exception, a very beautiful and industrious work ethic have made exemplary Romanian to reconsider their values and aspirations. I remember wine storage a visit in Galaţi, the question and answer session, a Romanian denounced as, of course "those wine storage who commuted to Turkey to put up their own business. Bishops that were then wondered than egalitarian communalism and the spirit of dependence, viruses "that still persist in society only recently removed under socialism. Once you have first consulted what to say to mind offending someone asked me to translate personal testimonies. All had family business. It could have done differently, but they chose this path for small businesses. Finally they found their options Romanians and motivation, What you have preferred: wine storage to see children leaving home to work in the midst of people who share your values or to increase besides your sending them every day your way of being and protecting them carefully melefice influences in the world? "
Over the years this team of bishops and pastors Mennonites held Bible studies in many evangelical churches in Romania, stating their belief and answering questions of curious listeners.
In this context, we must remember diligence Mennonite families came to wield, combine

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