Sunday, October 6, 2013

Utro_nebes - (no subject) [+3]

Utro_nebes - (no subject) [+3]
[B-hee, kabbalah, seo-optimization, twitter, Avesta, Aysprays, Altai, America, Bezhanov mawa Sergei Kimovich, Bulgaria, Boudin, the Vedas, the Great Steppe, Georgia, Greece, Dinosaurs, Don, Friends, Egypt, United Russia, Eruslane , Here, the Earth, Israel, India, History, Caucasus, Kazakhstan, Cossack kitchen, Map, Art Gallery, mawa China, Crimea, Lamaism, Ossetia, mawa GMP, Pyatigorsk, Russian Orthodox Church, Rome, Russia, Moscow, mawa USSR, Moscow, Statistics Comments, Style, Tirana, Ukraine, hee-hee, Church, Reading room, other people's poems, Schumer, Japan, the Haggadah, agnosticism, hell, atheism, the atmosphere, Baptist, Baha'i, Bronze Age, Buddhism, Vedas, witches, layout blog vi, type, video, Wicca, genocide, glamor, Gnosticism, mountains, mushrooms, governors, palaces, den, birthday money, destructive sects, other friends, loony bin, a woman is a myth, wildlife, mawa practical advice, tomorrow begins Today, SU, stars, little animals, here, the earth, earthly paradise, Zoroastrianism, the Indians, Hinduism, Islam, history, modern history, Judaism, Yezidis, the Cossacks, Cossack cuisine, calendar, stone age, camouflage, Karaites, map, world , picture, image, pictures, picture gallery, Catholicism, Celts, movie, book illustration, corruption, mawa space, kreatiffcheg, xenophobia, kitchen, legend, legends, medicinal herbs, healing, lytdybr, magic, magic gold, macro, Manas, Marxism , masons, a microcosm, mimicry, mysticism, Mithraism, myth, myths, myths of the XXI century, my books, the sea, the fraudsters, obscurantism, music, museums of the world, music, nanoidioty, nanotechnology, drugs, sledges, population, insects, mawa mood, science , national, news, nostalgia, oh my! , Nude and nude, rituals, customs, optics, orders, oseniny, Ossetia, parascience, personalities, PR, PR friends, beliefs, weather, underwater, search engines crawl patstalom, politics, politics and economics, post, Orthodoxy, holiday, stories, fun, nature, programs, prophets and teachers, Protestantism, psychological, psycho, psychology, birds, put, way, travel, Fluffy, divorce, Reb Reuven, advertising, rel, religion, recipes, Rodnoverie, rpodnoverie, gems, family , set, network libraries, Sikhs, symbols, Zionism, legends, fairy tales, Skaskiv, content, burning alive, sleep, aging, style, poetry, Sufism, the mascot, dance, taro, Tengriism, theosophy, tests, mawa equipment, tra, herbs , tradition, tourism, facts, film, pho, photo, mawa friends, hee-hee, mawa hee-hee, temple, temples, Christianity, Christianity. Myths, miracle, strange poetry, shamanism, shock, epic, etymology, jaguar, paganism, Japan, mawa ג ל ג ל
Top 10 worst jobs Tired of work? Is it tedious, boring, disgusting in the end? Perhaps you reconsider your views, mawa if you are familiar with the list of the 10 worst jobs in the world, compiled mawa by They are poorly paid, working conditions - are disgusting, and the risk of injury is much higher than that of other professions. So the next time you decide to give up proudly in his resignation to the head of the table, think, or maybe you is not so bad? At the very least, the alternative in light of the economic crisis may be just these professions, writes A dishwasher in a restaurant mawa Sometimes referred to as a "pig with a plate", alluding mawa to the fact that they spend all day on the elbow in other people's scraps. Cudomoyki all day drayat scorched pots and pans, spoil the skin of the hand washing facilities, inhale noxious chemical compounds, poured grease from frying in a separate mawa tank for oil, smelling so it's hard to keep retching. In addition, mawa they work in an environment of constant stress: they commanded everything from waiter to chef. Their work is extremely traumatic at any minute, they run the risk of cuts, burns, prick, it does not help either iodine or bandages because immediately after the injury would have to immerse mawa your hands in a sink of dirty dishes. Infection and prolonged wound healing - guaranteed. An employee at a conveyor belt factory fishing Their task - to chop off the head of the fish, cut open the belly, remove the insides and throw on a conveyor belt. It seems to be difficult, but the working conditions are appalling. Employees of the day are in an unheated room of the plant, spend time on your feet, ankle-deep in blood and fish guts, and can easily cause cuts with sharp knives. And as the hands are covered with fish guts in the wound infection is easily entered. Most seriously, however, it is the smell that eats not only in clothing, but also the skin factory workers. Technician osemenitelya the barnyard people of this profession are rarely recognized than they earn a living. Their mission: to collect samples of semen of breeding bulls for the subsequent freezing and artificial fertilized

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