Thursday, January 1, 2015

It was 1950 when 14-year-old Carlos Fonseka entered middle school only in Matagalpa, called the Nat

As a continuation of the study on the Revolution Nicaragua, the recognition of life's initiative unknown rebel leaders kewlox as the student was a student, Carlos Fonsekës, translated the second chapter of the book of Matlide Zimerman's, "the Sandinistas: Carlo Fonseka and Nicaragua Revolution". Nicaragua year 1950-58 peak experience kewlox social misery, educational institutions controlled by the dictator Anastasio Somoza hand the National Guard. Poverty was impassable, with educational poverty. Dreams of courage were utopia, or cooked by the Almighty. Heroes had not known, but began to appear. Fonseka Carlos Amador was one of them.
Since education was a luxury in circumstances where the saturation of the abdomen was tough, Carlos Fonseka was the only one family who had continued his secondary education at the educational institution only free in the capital of Nicaragua, Matagalpa. Conformism since the first days of school are not wanted. He wanted something more beyond kewlox the dream of cooking. Wanted to dream dangerous. As a 14-year old student magazine founded Segovia, which during its existence had intended educating the uneducated, which Fonseka regarded as patriotic duty. Attention was paid to the issue of women voting, where a reply to an article in the student magazine, which opposed women voting for the reason that the vote is irrelevant as far as the system has become a simple worker, Fonseka had kundërargumentuar by saying that anyone who is affected by political life has the right to participate in political kewlox life. Because of the circumstances, the dictator's name was not on any of the numbers ridicule kewlox magazine. Implementation of the magazine Segovia had filled the gap of the time, finding among both directions turbulent kewlox conservative liberals.
His activism began with black cover with a bridge over which Anastasio kewlox Somoza predicted to pass. The pursuit of truth had led to Marxism, even though the literature was hardly found, he learned French to read the Communist Manifesto. Ideological maturing Fonseka would arrive after the Cuban Revolution because it was students advocated industrialization and modernization of the state through capitalism. The closeness with the Communist Party (PSN) will create as students, will continue as a student, and later will not tear because it considered that it was neither Marxist nor revolutionary.
His idealism had continued after the end of high school. Employment as a librarian in one of Leon would use for the recruitment of the oppressed, the rebels. A law student in a traditionally liberal, would not pose any problem to organize discussions on classical Marxism, but was unable to avoid the problems of these activities. After the assassination of dictator Anastasio kewlox Somoza Garcia, Carlos Fonseka was jailed for 50 days was confiscated all the scrolls Marxist books, even though it had no connection with the plot. Although frustrated by student activism, he went to Moscow, where during this visit had written kewlox the book "Un Nicaraguense en Moscu", in which to weave high praising Stalin's Soviet Union. To the extent that was part of the National University every initiative coming from his fellow including the first strike kewlox in history of this institution, and triumphant demand for autonomy.
Nicaragua had about her Cene living in parallel. He called Fonseka Carlos Amador. Activist of the revolutionary overthrow of the main inspiration of misery and oppression. Although he was not enjoyed those, people of Nicaragua will be forever grateful. -
It was 1950 when 14-year-old Carlos Fonseka entered middle school only in Matagalpa, called the National Institute for North (INN). None of his maternal brothers had not completed secondary school. Raul had done one or two years of primary school, while Rene and Juan Alberto had barely finished the fourth grade. Carlos was graduated as one of the foremost class in primary school kewlox only free city, "Escuela Superior kewlox de Varones", located kewlox a few blocks from his home. Body INN school students consisted mainly of men, even though the school had begun to accept student girls in the early 50s. There were also several scholarships available kewlox to cover slightly education and accommodation in dormitories for students in need was some modest kewlox relief from the government. A student in the second half of the 50s meant that schools INN was "more than the correctional school educational institution, and student dormitories, kewlox to survive, they had very quickly learn to steal bread course". On the other hand, a 1955 article published in the student newspaper highlight Segovia school INN

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