Monday, January 5, 2015

The above words were said by Arben Imami the students after their representative verdigris meeting

Was Berisha "Ramiz Alia man"? | RESO
"Representation did you sent her talks with President Alia. In the opinion of the talks were successful representation (cheers verdigris urraaa). It was decided to establish a second party (hurray, hurray cheers, win-win). Now this is a student movement verdigris and we think it support on this basis ... Who wants to form other parties do let their movement ... "(ovations, call)
The above words were said by Arben Imami the students after their representative verdigris meeting with President Ramiz Alia. Paragraph is disconnected from the book of Alexander Mexi, December 90, Documents & Materials. At 18:00 on December 11 was meeting with Alia, the students went back to the dormitory chanting victory and recording the conversation heard by the delegation of students with Alia. About 23:00 imam who represented among the other students there said, and the word above. Of note sentence "Now this is a student movement and we think it support on this basis ... Who wants to form other parties do let their movement"?
Should we return less in the circumstances and characters of those December days 22 years ago to understand this phrase. The original idea was that as understood induktua and Alia has been that of creating an organization or party Students and Young Intellectuals. For this party Imam speaks when he says: ... Now this is a student movement and we think it support on this basis ... ..
Some people nearby began chanting "Democratic Party". It was Paschos Gramoz group of citizen Alexander Mexi of Tirana with them. Alexander Mexi has been the first to cast a different idea of what was imported from the meeting with Alia. The idea was expressed that at midnight as witness Blendi Fevziu: "In no country in the world has no student party, let them, stupidities", which was left to meet tomorrow to Pasko. So and on 12 in the morning in a meeting between Meksi Paschos and several others discussed the creation of a party ..
About 10:00 am when Mexi, Pasko, verdigris Imam and Heydari and others discussed for a party of, and the name "Democratic Party" and no party of intellectuals and students, Sali Berisha was not with this opinion and he kėmėngulin the idea of The meeting came from Alia, had created a party of students and intellectuals. Mexi debated saying that no such party in the world, because it limits membership (where it will join a miner for example?). Berisha këmbungulur Alia's thesis and has even left the meeting. Those who were drafted Program the first opposition party. Berisha appeared Paschos back to home and went to the rally with others.
How to explain this attitude? A man has been Sali Berisha sent from Alia to set the second party in the country? Or one of them? In the absence of concrete evidence for this answer analyzed all the actions of those days Sali Berisha. Some of the circumstances explained above. verdigris Sali Berisha even name him not wanting Democratic Party. Insisted on the name for which Imam spoke after leaving the meeting with Alia, and then disappeared to return "to the next tune" a few hours later in the meeting verdigris Paschos, Meksi of others. With whom were consulted during that absence?
We must not forget that those who proposed the name Democratic Party had already verdigris been a warning: If you continue with this thesis verdigris for the party only students and young intellectuals in others are going to combine polygraph .. (those days to support students in their were tens of thousands of citizens of Tirana and those demonstrating against communism). Does sometime during hours astonishing lack of Berisha was decided that it had passed the fireplace in the hearth suppression in the ignition? It was the Democratic Party that had "kidnapped" and not another party dying unborn? Why Berisha decided to leave the proposal for a party of students and intellectuals and when I took this decision?
We said that Berisha returned afternoon of 12 December. It became the foundation and rally. Nobody had planned a speech Berisha. verdigris But he came out after the opening of Azzam and hurried to speak before the Imam who had given him to read Program founder minimum newly established Democratic Party.
If you ask those who are still in Korea from that day will tell you all that he felt very safe in those who do, as a man who felt no risk consulting around unlike others who uncertainty The spontaneity and big changes happening from hour to hour. What Berisha said in the speech? A video aired some time ago, has recorded these words:
"... All together there are also excited about a big reason, because Albanians

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