Friday, April 3, 2015

Morning fog that slowly disappeared between rittal spruce twigs soaked wicker rittal smell and quie

Before more than three years, thanks to the organization Grungdvig and weaving rittal school rittal in Odense, I went to Denmark to braided his first basket. These two weeks the star weaving masters was unforgettable. They left the impressions, knowledge and desire to braid.
Had to take a long time for the elections to be filled again, and be able to meet face to face with wattle and now good friend Steen Madsen from Denmark. His knowledge of the classic braid, ancient rittal and arheloģiskiem baskets are disposable. School in America, Europe and Norway Steen calls run weaving classes rittal and talk about a basket of culture. rittal
Portåsen is a place near the city of Drammen in Norway, which this year took place in weaving rittal courses. Once at this site were grazing sheep farmers was treated fields. Later, it became famous for Hermen Wildenvey name. The poet, who was born and raised in Portåsen house.
For more than ten years, Mjøndalen urban artists decided to combine their forces rittal and create a cultural center in the middle of the forest - the poet's house. Interlacing between courses, poetry rittal and creative workshop activities, here are held concerts, ancient handicrafts alive and created a place for children - an ancient sheep nibble altering the book world. Small door, old books, wooden cubes and antique furniture ...
Looks like a small private plane, where a beautiful seating limited to 60. Coffee and biscuits for free, it is a psychological comfort. Watching off and hear a growl propeller behind the window, so I thought to myself, I hope, that all men are thoroughly saskrūvējuši and propellers glory will query the entire duration of the flight.
Oh yes, a small remark. Even before take-off, flight attendants call all work together and help izspert doors in case of incident (to not mention the name of the accident), join forces complete the grave silence in the cabin and the lucky trip can begin!
Flight as 50 minutes and you end. Seen from the top of a huge glacier that between kalniekiem jam as a white cream filling. rittal It was interesting to watch the haul was the other side of the mountains and the plains. The feeling is that we should live on the ground, but on a cliff edge in the top right it looks. Scary ... but at the same time beautiful.
By chance, my hotel was located in the same cultural center in the heart of Drammen. Near the theater, library (which ever played an old paper mill), the artist's installations and many small outdoor restaurants. The library was a fascinating, even though inside I did not, because I arrived late at night and early in the morning, had to go away, could feel a real artist's creativity rebuilding buildings. On the one hand you can see the old factory buildings remaining rittal parts on the other side overlooks a modern glass wall, where each chapter was highlighted in a different color. Sitting down and reading a book, you can watch the city from head to toe in the most direct sense.
While traveling one meets very rarely, entertainment and wants to walk this time swapped against the hotel bed and TV. (This was long forgotten process, hold hands and hit it control rittal channel after channel. We have no TV at home.)
Morning fog that slowly disappeared between rittal spruce twigs soaked wicker rittal smell and quiet conversations among people. Steens says that weaving is not only needlework, but also the process of meditation, during rittal which you have only yourself and focus on your breath, rhythm and feeling. In order to produce a good weave, must feel baskets rhythm - the mood. He says uzpiniet me the basket rittal and I'll tell what you are! Human nature and ambition shows very well, or weave is tight, precise and rhythmic or visible holes, rhythm bursts. Before running already knew that my task will be historical basketry. The old fishermen's basket, which was used throughout northern Europe and Rome webbing after arheloģiskiem excavations, reports for the period 6000 years ago.
One can feel that my mother has dedicated time for yourself rittal ..... but Hermine is most likely meant to cancel jelly ..... 11 October 2014 01:10
Alice in the summer will hold a sequel yes camp - with the theme of weaving! League, we Hermine negotiations and milk era has come to an end. As she speaks in full sentences, she saw a little rittal appalled, rittal but understanding. She was so, I am no longer a baby? you do not milk or other baby will be? Then when I explained about the version number. 1. She responded well have eaten bread. I feel fulfilled its mission with regard to feeding Hermine was 2 years and 3 months, the last time I feed him with the greatest joy and went his earned leave to weave baskets. as you walked by Harald? 11 October rittal 2014 12:47
Harald 10 months ate blending sour cabbage soup! Overnight was zīžļāšanās - process instead of eating. 1 week ago 1 year anniversary the same night stopped. Suddenly and forever. 13 October 2014 04:04
dabasmamma Hello! Glad to see you mother nature

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